Stylistic Harmony 1 |
Stylistic Harmony 1
Depth studyontonal language.
Harmonization exercises of several parts, including instrumental ensembles of diverse constitution (eg. Voice and Piano, String Quartet, Woodwind Quintet, etc.).
Since the objective of this C.U. is the acquisition of knowledge and skills so that the student can intervene in a variety of artistic and musical contexts, the syllabus indicated is selected in order to meet the scope of the issues involved.
The teaching methodology is based on systematic and organized presentation of information through questioning, critical analysis and research suggested by the teacher, complemented with its study and discussion applied to the exercises and activities in class, and with guidance and supervision of the knowledge and skills acquisition process, as specified in the C.U. objectives - The evaluation process is based on observation of the quality of participation in the activities developed during the course, including assignments and other tests, verifying the level of the acquired knowledge and skills as specified in the C.U. objectives
The coherence between the teaching methodologies with the learning objectives is assessed and demonstrated by the very nature of the performance and progress of students in classes, presentations, papers and exams.
Bochmann, Christopher, A linguagem Harmónica do Tonalismo, Lisboa, Juventude Musical. Portuguesa., 2003. Piston, W., Harmony, Nova Iorque, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1981. Schoenberg, A., Theory of Harmony, Londres, Faber and Faber, 1990
(1) P:Practice, T:Theory, TP:Theory&Practice, E:Internship, OT:Tutorial Guidance, S:Seminar, PL:Laboratory