Artistic Project/Dissertation (French Horn) 3 e 4

Artistic Project/Dissertation (French Horn) 3 e 4
Mestrado em Música
Contact Hours per Semester:
Scientific area:
Curricular year:
Type (1):
Teacher responsible for the Curricular Unit:
Ricardo Pinheiro
Time allocation for the C.U.:
Other teachers and time allocation for the C.U:
Learning Outcomes (knowledge, aptitudes and skills to be developed by the students)

Develop musical concepts, in terms of the different specialization areas: voice, composition, choral conducting, orchestra conducting, performance, jazz, early music, chamber music. Deepen the process of scientific and conceptual systematization of research and reflection upon one or several artistic objects, or a theoretical topic (in the case of dissertation). Record the intellectual work needed in order to conceptualize and conclude the project, as well as contribute with a critical analysis of the emergent problems (in case of selecting the artistic project). Develop and employ literature systematization and analysis skills. Develop critical thinking about music. Stimulate aptitudes related to lifespan autonomous musical development. Complement the presentation of an artistic product (recital, concert, presentation of an original composition), in case of selecting the artistic project.


Being a curricular unit that functions in project format, with an autonomous nature, it is intended to put into practice: The artistic project: its conception and possible direction changes. Framework, explanation and informed thought on certain artistic/theoretical object. Project development process. Identification and explanation of scientific, technological and artistic research methods and techniques. Research carried out by other author on the developed topic. The process of academic supervision.

Demonstration of the Articulation of the Programme Contents with the Objectives of the C.U.

It is assumed a theoretical approach (and also practical, in the case of the artistic project) that permits an articulation between reflection, research and methodological development, and academic writing. The coherence of the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes is assessed and demonstrated by the autonomous nature project/dissertation, allowing the students to act in diverse theoretical, conceptual and artistic contexts.

Teaching and Evaluation Methods:

The teaching methodology is based in the process of conception, explanation, development, contextualisation and implementation of an artistic project/dissertation, with the supervision of the abilities and knowledge acquisition process specified in the curricular unit objectives. The evaluation process is based on the artistic project/dissertation, which will be assessed in a public exam, verifying the degree of acquisition of knowledge and skills acquired in the objectives of the C.U.

Demonstration of the Articulation of the Teaching Methodologies with the Learning Objectives of the C.U.:

The teaching methodology is closely related to the c.u.’s objectives, permitting the presentation of topics with a wide applicability outreach, and the conception and theoretical and artistic realization. The evaluation methodology is adequate, as it materializes the acquisition of the above capabilities and prepares the students for the conclusion of the studies cycle.


Baines, Anthony. (2012). Brass Instruments: their history and development. London: Dover Publications. Beck, John. (1995). Encyclopedia of percussion instruments. New York: Garland Publishing. Bell, J. (2010). Como Realizar Um Projecto de Investigação. Lisboa: Gradiva. Berliner, Paul. (1994). Thinking in Jazz: The Infinite Art of Improvisation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Brown, Rachel. (2003). The early Flute: A practical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Courvoisier, Karl (2006). The Technique of Violin Playing: The Joachim Method, New York: Dover Publications, Inc. Debay, Auguste. (1861). Hygiène et gymnastique des organes de la voix parlée et chantée. Paris: E. Dentu. Eco, H. (2015). Como Se Faz Uma Tese Em Ciências Humanas. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Green, Elizabeth A. and Gibson, Mark. (2004). The Modern Conductor (7th Edition). New York: Prentice Hall.Henriques, Miguel. (2014). The (Well) Informed Piano. Lanham: University Press of America.

(1) P:Practice, T:Theory, TP:Theory&Practice, E:Internship, OT:Tutorial Guidance, S:Seminar, PL:Laboratory