Pág. 7 de 10 Resultados 31 - 35 de 46

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Composition Techniques 6

Study of the use of different techniques to large forms. Writing small exercises with techniques related with different models. Development of one of the mentioned exercises with a large form complete movement as a model. …

Composition Techniques 4

Study of the Classical Theme and Variations. The theme and its features, ornamental variations. Decorative variations. Amplifying variations. Variations structure as a work. Variations in the twentieth century. Preparing …

Composition Techniques 3

Study of a theme and a melody construction in Classical style. Study of the Classical Sonata. Establishing bridges between the Sonata and thematic construction with techniques of the twentieth century. Preparation of exercises …

Composition Techniques 2

Study of the Fugue. Overall structure of the Fugue and differences between modal and tonal counterpoint. The exposition, the central part (development) and the final part (recapitulation). Analysis and listening of J. S. …

Composition Techniques 1

Addressing the basic contrapuntal techniques for 2 to 4 voices (XV and XVIth centuries). Analysis and listening vocal works from relevant composers of the Renaissance period, such as Josquin, Lassus, Palestrina, Victoria. …

Pág. 7 de 10 Resultados 31 - 35 de 46