Masterclass de Violino por Francesca Vicari


8 e 9 de Abril de 2010 

A Professora Francesca Vicari vai ministrar uma masterclass de violino na Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa nos dias 8 e 9 de Abril de 2010.

Francesca Vicari toca violino moderno e barroco e vai fazer uma introdução ao violino barroco para violinistas modernos. 

Violino Barroco: instruções básicas para violinistas modernos;

- Orquestra de Música antiga

-Sonatas e Partitas para violino solo de Bach; -Sonatas para violino e B.C.: Bach, Handel, Vivaldi e Corelli; -Sonatas clássicas para violino e piano: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert;

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FRANCESCA VICARI studied violin with Luciano Vicari and Corrado Romano, obtaining her diploma with distinction when only 17 years old.  She then went on to gain diplomas from the  Accademia of S.Cecilia (in Chamber Music) and the  Conservatoire Superieur of Gèneva, once again acheiving full marks. The Accademia Chigiana of Siena awarded her their Diploma of Merit, and she also won first prize in the “Ennio Porrino”  Violin Competition.

For more than 10 years she occupied the position of Leader-Soloist in the ensemble “Concerto Italiano”, invited regularly by the most important music societies and festivals of Italy, Europe, North and South America and Japan; it is as a member of this ensemble that she matured her experience in the rules of execution and performance on original instruments.  “…la verdadera belleza se produce cuando, por poner un ejemplo, una violinista como Francesca Vicari empuña su violín en el Largo de El Invierno. Las comparaciones echan por tierra cualquier atisbo de duda. (Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.. Filomusica)

...The most 'up-front' is Francesca Vicari, who enthusiastically approches the final movement of 'Winter' (where others have not ventured to tread) with a con trolled ferocity that keeps you on the edge of your seat (John Duarte, Gramophone) ,.

Since 1986 she has been a member of the Quartetto Michelangelo (strings and piano) …Una vera sorpresa che ha lasciato di sasso! Una formazione di italiani, grandiosa per l’amalgama spirituale dei componenti e splendida per la tecnica solidissima, unita ad una finissima sensibilità.”  (La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno)                                                                                                   “…da Antologia, nell’esecuzione dell’op. 47 di Schumann, la freschezza emozionale, l’intensità espressiva…sbalorditiva la sicurezza sciorinata dagli strumentisti del Michelangelo nell’incalzante incedere del vivacissimo tempo finale” (L. Bellingardi, Fedeltà del Suono)                                                                                                                     “….Que faut-il admirer le plus ? La sensualité du violon, la pulpeuse sonorité de l’alto, la splendeur du violoncelle ou la fringante présence du piano, qui s’illustre par un toucher précis et incisif. …Au finale, les instruments allient ardeur, fougue et une merveilleuse complicité, pour le plaisir des auditeurs” (La Presse-Riviera)                                                                “…The italian players combine a terrific freshness and élan with a crucial feeling for rubato –  delicate inflections of the basic pulse- in Schumann’s lyrical melodies. The slow movement of the Quartet is as gloriously sung as I have ever heard. ” (The Telegraph)                                                                                                              “…What matters is that these players make a very sympathetic team, instantly establishing a hushed intensity in a mood of dedication such as one might experience in a live concert”. (Gramophone)

She records for Chandos and Naive, various recordings being assigned the Gramophone Award, Diapason d’Or and Choc de la Musique.

In april 2007 she has been invited by Malcolm Bilson to partecipate as guest artist to the Schumann Festival organized by the Musical Department of the Cornell University.

She is invited regularly to lead the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese, the ensemble “Divino Sospiro”, and the Orchestra Sinfonica de Galicia. 

She teaches the  “Biennio Sperimentale” Post-Diploma Course in Chamber Music at the Conservatorium of Frosinone, Italy.

She plays a  G.B. Guadagnini violin of the Parma period.

Modificado em quinta-feira, 18 março 2010 18:34


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